Join the 2021 National Prenatal-to-3 Research to Policy Summit
On Thursday, October 7, you're invited to join thousands of policymakers, scholars, and early childhood professionals across the country to learn how to strengthen state policies that impact the foundational prenatal-to-3 development period.
During this FREE virtual summit hosted by the Prenatal-to-3 Policy Impact Center, you'll hear directly from state leaders about what actions they've taken to increase investments that strengthen systems impacting the prenatal to age 3 period. You'll also learn about state investments and policies that best support the earliest and most rapid period of a child's development.
Coming Soon: Apply to Be an Early Childhood Leadership Fellow!
Are you an emerging early childhood professional who is interested in strengthening your leadership skills and becoming a stronger early childhood advocate? Then you are encouraged to apply for Groundwork Ohio's Early Childhood Leadership Fellowship!
As an Early Childhood Leadership Fellow, you'll participate in a unique and engaging curriculum designed to help you develop in-depth knowledge of early childhood systems in Ohio and gain a better understanding on how to be a successful advocate for Ohio's infants, toddlers, their families, and your community.
Groundwork Ohio's Early Childhood Leadership Fellowship is a one-of-a-kind opportunity to build up your leadership skills and network with a diverse group of early childhood professionals! You can apply to be a 2022 Fellow starting Monday, October 4. Applications are due by Friday, November 5, 2021.
Opportunities to Invest State and Local Recovery Funds in Prenatal-to-3
Authorized under the federal American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, the State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund provides counties with an unprecedented $65.1 billion in direct, flexible funding to help recover from the COVID-19 pandemic.
As a recent blog by the National Association of Counties (NACo) explains, these new resources represent an opportunity for counties to build on their role in providing services that support families. Importantly, these new resources enable counties to lead in creating systems and policies that help infants and toddlers thrive.
Check out NACo's blog to learn more about opportunities to invest state and local recovery funds in prenatal-to-3.
American Academy of Pediatrics Early Childhood Campaign Toolkit
Early childhood is our greatest opportunity to improve lifelong health and well-being. Infants and toddlers who are born healthy, grow and develop in healthy environments, and have access to quality health care services have better physical, emotional, and mental health throughout their lives.
To help promote the importance of early childhood, the American Academy of Pediatrics has published a communication toolkit that includes social media content, posters, and graphics to facilitate communication with members of your community and legislators.
You are encouraged to download, share, and post materials from the toolkit to your networks!
Medicaid Expansion Helps Moms and Babies Thrive, But Disparities Remain
Healthy moms are the foundation of healthy babies. As a new report from the Georgetown Center for Children and Families shows, Medicaid expansion has helped Ohio women get health coverage before, during, and after pregnancy. But as the report also indicates, our work is far from over—we must address persistent racial disparities in health coverage and birth outcomes.
Maternal and infant mortality continues to be a public health crisis in Ohio, underscoring the urgent need for federal and state policymakers to keep working to achieve health equity in coverage and care. In order for the state to equitably respond to the maternal and infant health crisis, Ohio must focus on pregnant women and babies served by Medicaid, especially women and babies of color, who face the greatest barriers to accessing quality health care.

Improving Birthing Outcomes: Strengthening Awareness of and Support for State and Community Doula Networks Webinar
Tuesday, October 5 at 1:00 PM ET
The Hunt Institute | Creating a Shared Vision: Aligning State Early Childhood Systems and Head Start
Tuesday, October 5 at 2:00 PM ET
Bipartisan Policy Center | Child Care in Rural America – What Have We Learned?
Wednesday, October 6 at 2:00 PM ET
Prenatal-to-3 Policy Impact Center | 2021 National Prenatal-to-3 Research to Policy Summit
Thursday, October 7
National Black Child Development Institute | NBCDI 50 Forward Virtual Conference
Thursday, October 14 - Friday, October 15
4C for Children | Leadership and Early Childhood Conference
Friday, October 22 - Saturday, October 23
ZERO TO THREE | Virtual Annual Conference 2021
Monday, October 25 - Friday, October 29
Ohio AAP | 2021 Annual Meeting
Friday, October 29 - Saturday, October 30