The State of Babies in Ohio

How do Ohio babies and toddlers fare compared to those in other states? Ready, Set, Soar Ohio has a new factsheet detailing how Ohio ranks on key indicators of early child health and well-being. As our recent blog post illustrates, Ohio infants and toddlers experience poor health outcomes and adverse childhood experiences at a higher rate than many other states.
The factsheet – which features data analyzed and compiled by the Health Policy Institute of Ohio – should serve as an urgent call to local, state, and federal policymakers to support investment in pregnant women, infants, toddlers, and their families so that every child can grow and thrive.
Healthy Beginnings At Home: Providing Safe, Stable Housing for Expectant Mothers

Safe and stable housing is essential for families to thrive and achieve optimal health. The lack of affordable housing nationwide has made families – particularly those of color – vulnerable to homelessness and other forms of housing instability, placing extremely low-income families and pregnant women at high risk.
This week, Ready, Set, Soar Ohio published a new blog post on the role safe and stable housing plays in reducing infant mortality and improving birth outcomes. The blog highlights the success of Healthy Beginnings At Home (HBAH), a pilot project focused on providing affordable housing to pregnant women and young mothers with the aim of decreasing infant mortality.
As guest authors Amy Riegel, Priyam Chokshi, Barbara Poppe, and Gina Wilt explain in their blog post, Healthy Beginnings At Home has demonstrated promising findings. Click here to read the blog and learn more.
The Role of Doulas in Improving Birth Outcomes for Moms and Babies

For many pregnant women, doulas play a vital role throughout pregnancy, providing them with educational, emotional, and physical support to ensure that both mom and baby remain healthy before, during, and after birth. While many Ohio communities have a history with successful doula programs, these programs and services can be cost-prohibitive and are often not accessible to pregnant women who may benefit the most from additional support.
A new Ready, Set, Soar Ohio blog post explores the role of doulas in improving maternal and infant health outcomes, and provides a closer look at legislation at the Ohio Statehouse to provide Medicaid coverage of doula services.
Coalition Member Spotlight: Black Maternal Health Week

Last month we celebrated Black Maternal Health Week, a week dedicated to amplifying the stories of Black mothers and elevating effective policies and solutions to eliminate racism, bias, and inequities in maternal care. In honor of Black Maternal Health Week, Ready, Set, Soar Ohio invited members of our coalition to participate in a Black maternal health Q&A. Throughout the week, we published Q&A articles featuring different experts on a range of topics related to supporting Black mothers, moms-to-be, and infants in Ohio. Check out the Q&A series featuring Ready, Set, Soar Ohio coalition members:
Are you interested in being featured in a future blog or Q&A with Ready, Set, Soar Ohio? Contact Groundwork Ohio's Chelsea Kiene at
Grant Opportunity for Organizations Focused on BIPOC/ALAANA Communities
We are thrilled to share an exciting grant opportunity for Ohio organizations focused on young children and families in BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color)/ALAANA(African, Latinx, Asian, Arab, Native American) communities.
The Pritzker Children’s Initiative (PCI), under the leadership of the JB and MK Pritzker Family Foundation, is committed to supporting organizations led by and focused on the needs of young children and families in BIPOC/ALAANA communities. To that end, PCI is inviting such organizations in select states including Ohio to apply for a grant to support work on issues that most impact the needs of families, beginning prenatally, and infants and toddlers.
Click here for more information on the grant opportunity, including who is eligible for the grant and how to apply. Organizations have until May 15, 2021 to contact PCI to apply.
Welcome New Ready, Set, Soar Ohio Coalition Members!

Ready, Set, Soar Ohio welcomes our newest coalition members who joined us in April! We are excited to continue expanding our diverse statewide coalition. Together with your support, we are committed to ensuring that more pregnant women, infants, toddlers, and their families have access to the support they need to be ready, set, and soar to their full potential.
Welcome to our newest coalition members:

Monthly Webinar Series from The Office of Early Childhood Development
Next session: Tuesday, May 11th at 3:00PM
Webinar: 7 Ways Policymakers Can Step Up to Support the Children of Head Start as the American Rescue Plan Moves to U.S. Communities
Thursday, May 13th at 1:00PM
Think Babies Virtual Rally
Monday, May 17th from 2:00PM-2:30PM
National Home Visiting Coalition’s State and Local Committee Meeting
Wednesday, May 19th at 12:00PM
Community Kickoff Event: Safe Babies Court Team Cuyahoga County
Thursday, May 20th from 12:00PM-1:30PM
E-Learning Program: Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS) in Maternal Health Care