Job Opportunity: Director of the Center for Early Learning at Groundwork Ohio
Groundwork Ohio is seeking applicants for an exciting new role on their growing team: The Director for the Center for Early Learning! The deadline to apply is Wednesday, March 9, 2022.
The Center for Early Learning at Groundwork Ohio is dedicated to building strong foundations for young children and preparing Ohio for a better future by transforming systems that advance early learning, promote equity, and prioritize prevention. Through policy development, research, data analysis, and collaboration, the Center for Early Learning engages diverse stakeholders to advance early learning policies and systems.
The Director of the Center for Early Learning will drive the Center’s work to improve outcomes for young children and their families.
Commissioner Erica C. Crawley Champions Child Care at National Conference

Earlier this month, thousands of county officials from across the United States convened in Washington, D.C. for the annual National Association of Counties (NACo) Legislative Conference. During the conference, Franklin County Commissioner Erica C. Crawley successfully passed an interim resolution urging the federal government to pass robust legislation to stabilize the child care industry and workforce. Notably, the interim resolution also lifted up the importance of high-quality child care for infants and toddlers.
Commissioner Crawley currently participates in a NACo/CCAO learning collaborative on prenatal-to-3 issues with colleagues around the state interested in learning more and leaning in on issues that impact infants and toddlers. We thank Commissioner Crawley for her leadership and commitment to building a strong, high-quality child care system that meets the needs of children, families, providers, and communities!
Claire's Law: How One Ohio Family Used Their Voice to Inspire Change
Fourteen years ago, after enacting Claire's Law in February 2008, Ohio became the first state in the country to begin tracking the number of Shaken Baby Syndrome cases. The legislation also provides mandatory Shaken Baby Syndrome educational materials be given to parents of newborns.
Claire’s Law is an example of how families, medical professionals, and policymakers can work together to make a difference. It's also an example of how one family's life-changing experience sparked a voice for change through public education to protect our youngest and most vulnerable children.
Last month, Groundwork Ohio published a blog by Michelle Fishpaw, author of “Claire’s Voice,” the true story of her family’s journey raising their daughter Claire with the long-term effects of Shaken Baby Syndrome. In the blog, Michelle shares her family's experience and why she hopes their real-life story gives others a way to find their voice.
New Blog: WIC Promotes Racial Equity, Reduces Infant Mortality
Extensive research shows the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children, commonly known as WIC, is a cost-effective strategy to improve the nutrition and health of low-income families.
As a new blog by Ready, Set, Soar Ohio coalition members Children’s Defense Fund – Ohio and The Center for Community Solutions demonstrates, this critical nutrition assistance program also promotes racial equity, reduces infant mortality, and improves maternal and infant health outcomes.
Read more about the importance of WIC and how Children’s Defense Fund – Ohio and The Center for Community Solutions are teaming up to ensure all eligible families have access to the program and that the program is working as intended.
SAVE THE DATE: NBCDI's 51st Annual Conference in Washington, D.C.

SAVE THE DATE: You're invited to join a community of educators, clergy, policymakers, parents, caregivers, and practitioners for the National Black Child Development Institute's (NBCDI) Annual Conference in Washington, DC, October 7-10, 2022!
The conference will features dynamic keynote speakers, leaders, and presenters spanning a range of topics, including early care and education, brain development, family engagement, child welfare, educational equity, and public policy. NBCDI's national conference is the only convening of its kind in the United Sates, focusing not only on the unique challenges facing Black children and communities, but also highlighting their success, resilience, assets, and strength.
More details and registration coming soon!

How Brief Moments of Mindful Connection With Nature Help Build Resilience for Early Childhood Professionals and Children | ZERO TO THREE
Wednesday, March 9 at 1:00 PM EST
Child Welfare and Early Childhood Webinar Series | BUILD Initiative
Wednesday, March 16 at 2:00 PM EST
Child Welfare and Early Childhood Webinar Series | BUILD Initiative
Wednesday, April 20 at 2:00 PM EST