Build Back Better: A Historic Investment in Infants, Toddlers, and Families
Last month, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the Build Back Better Act, which includes major investments in child care, preschool, child and maternal health, and more. The Build Back Better Act is a historic piece of legislation that will lead to significant and long-lasting improvements to our early learning system, ensure more young children and their families have access to the health care they need, and boost families’ economic stability.
How will Build Back Better impact Ohio? As a new blog from Groundwork Ohio explains, the Build Back Better Act is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to transform the lives of infants, toddlers, families, and early childhood professionals in Ohio.
New Report Card Grades Ohio on Infant and Maternal Health
In November, the March of Dimes released its 2021 Report Card highlighting the latest key indicators on maternal and infant health in the United States and in each state. The Report Card also outlines actions policymakers can take to improve the health of our nation’s families.
Ohio's Report Card demonstrates that the state has much room to improve when it comes to maternal and infant health outcomes. Ohio received a C- grade for the state's preterm birth rate, and Ohio's infant mortality rate remains higher than the national rate. The Report Card also shows stark racial disparities in birth outcomes: In Ohio, the preterm birth rate among Black women is 47% higher than the rate among all other women.
There is a critical connection between infant health, maternal health, and the health of a family. Policymakers must prioritize the health of moms and babies in Ohio.
Get Covered Ohio: Help Raise Awareness of Affordable Health Insurance Options
Studies show that when parents have health insurance, their children are more likely to be insured. Moreover, improving parents' access to health care is important to children because children’s health and development depends in part on their parents’ health and well-being.
Unfortunately, finding health insurance that is affordable and meets a family’s needs can be challenging, particularly for people without coverage through an employer.
Groundwork Ohio recently published a guest blog from the Ohio Association of Foodbanks on simple ways you can engage in Get Covered Ohio, a public awareness campaign to educate Ohioans about affordable health insurance options through the Marketplace and Medicaid and connect them with local Navigators.
Learn more about how you take part in the Get Covered Ohio campaign!
Serving Infants and Toddlers Who Have Experienced Trauma
In October, the Center for Maternal and Young Child Health at Groundwork Ohio published a report examining Ohio's infant and early childhood mental health landscape. As the report highlights, there are many opportunities to promote emotional health, prevent trauma, and treat mental health problems before they manifest more serious problems later in life.
This month, we're featuring a blog from the National Head Start Association featuring an innovative approach in Ohio to address the growing need to support children who’ve experienced trauma.
Three years ago, Warren County Community Services (WCCS) launched its Therapeutic Interagency Preschool (TIP) Program designed for children with special developmental and emotional needs who have experienced trauma and abuse. Last year, WCCS created Baby TIP to serve infants and toddlers and their families. Services are provided to infants, toddlers, and their families in whichever program option the family prefers—home-based, center-based, or through a child care partnership.
Check out the National Head Start Association's blog to learn more about WCCS' efforts to provide young children and their families with mental health and family support services.
Coordinating Prenatal-to-Three Policies at State, County, and City Levels
State and local governments across the country are developing public policy focused on early childhood. Collaborative action across levels of government can help ensure funding is leveraged to maximize the efficiency and sustainability of programs and services offered to families with young children.
On Tuesday, December 7 at 1:00 PM ET, you're invited to join a webinar hosted by the National Conference of State Legislatures to learn how state legislators and county officials are working together to improve outcomes for young children and their families. The webinar will feature the first-hand experiences of several Ohio officials.
You're Invited to a Graduation Ceremony Celebrating Ohio Early Childhood Leaders!
You're invited: On Saturday, December 11 at 9:00 AM ET, Groundwork Ohio is hosting a virtual graduation ceremony for the 2021 Early Childhood Leadership Fellows to celebrate the completion of their Fellowship. During the virtual graduation, you'll hear presentations from Fellows on their small group projects, followed by an official graduation ceremony featuring exciting keynote speakers.
Join Groundwork Ohio in celebrating the conclusion of the 2021 Fellowship Cohort and the great accomplishments this year's Fellows have made in their journey to becoming stronger early childhood leaders!

National Conference of State Legislatures | Coordinating Prenatal-to-Three Polices at State, County and City Levels
Tuesday, December 7 at 1:00 PM ET
Alliance for Early Success | Early Efforts: 2021's Big Wins for Little Kids
Tuesday, December 7 at 2:00 PM ET
Groundwork Ohio | Early Childhood Leadership Fellowship 2021 Graduation
Saturday, December 11 at 9:00 AM ET
National Head Start Association | Parent and Family Engagement Conference
Monday, December 13 through Thursday, December 16
ZERO TO THREE | Organizations Serving Grandparents Wednesday, December 15 at 2:00 PM ET Learn more and register