Introducing the Center for Family Voice at Groundwork Ohio
Research shows that when parents and families are more engaged, children do better. Yet more often than not, families are left out of policy conversations and decisions that directly impact the health, development, and well-being of their children.
Last month, the Center for Family Voice at Groundwork Ohio released a new report that examines best practices to put families at the center of early childhood policy development and makes recommendations on how Ohio can better empower families to drive change and improve the healthy development of young children.
You have a seat at the table as a partner in the work of the Center for Family Voice. Want to join the movement? Click here for more information and to contact the Groundwork Ohio team with questions, comments, and feedback.
New Blog: "As a Pediatrician, I Know the Value of Quality Child Care"
There are few investments more important to a child’s early development and long-term health, behavioral, and educational outcomes than quality early education and child care. In a new blog published by Ready, Set, Soar Ohio, Dr. Judy Romano – past president of the Ohio Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics – explains why she, as a pediatrician, is dedicated to promoting quality child care and early learning for Ohio's infants and toddlers.
As Dr. Romano writes, quality makes a difference in out-of-home care settings, including child care. While this is true for all young children, it is especially true for Ohio's most at-risk children. Quality early childhood education not only keeps young children safe and healthy, but it also keeps kids on their developmental trajectory to be ready for kindergarten.
New Blog: Investing in Infants and Toddlers is Powerful Prevention Policy
This week, Groundwork Ohio President and CEO Shannon Jones wrote a blog for the Ohio Association of Health Plans (OAHP) on why investments in infants and toddlers is powerful prevention policy, helping to reduce the need for costly health, behavioral, and educational interventions down the road.
As Shannon writes, getting everything right the first time around is a lot easier and less expensive than trying to fix it later. By investing when it matters most – during the earliest and most formative years of a young child’s life – we can create healthier kids who, ultimately, become healthier adults.
Grant Opportunity: Children's Healthy Learning Environments
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Office of Children's Health Protection is accepting grant applications to provide funding to support school- and/or child care center-based capacity building projects that help school communities understand and address local environmental and public health issues that affect children.
Projects must take place in schools and/or child care centers that are located in minority and/or low-income communities and/or primarily serve student populations that are minority and/or low-income (e.g., Head Start and Early Head Start programs, Title I schools, tribal schools).
Applications are due by September 10, 2021 at 11:59 PM Eastern Time (ET). Click here to learn more.
Calling Ohio Dads with Infants: Join the Father's Feelings Study
Are you or do you know a dad with a baby under 1 year old? Ohio Guidestone's Institute of Family and Community Impact is inviting Ohio father's with children 12 months old or younger to participate in the Father's Feelings study.
This study gives dads an opportunity to share their thoughts and feelings about their baby and their lives as parents. Through a few short questionnaires and virtual visits, you can help future dads prepare for the joys and challenges of fatherhood.
Participating fathers can earn a $25 gift card for completing the study and receive father-specific consultation, insights, and resources from highly trained study staff. Participation includes five (5) study visits, and each visit takes no more than 90 minutes.
To participate in the Father's Feelings study, you must:
Be a male father 18 years of age or older
Have a child 12 months or younger
Live in Ohio
Complete five study visits to receive a gift card
Want to learn more or sign up to participate in the study? Click here.
Welcome Our Newest Coalition Member!

We'd like to extend a warm welcome to the newest member of the Ready, Set, Soar Ohio coalition: The American Heart Association!
Our growing coalition includes more than 100 early childhood, education, health, advocacy, philanthropy and business organizations, community leaders, policymakers, and families. We are humbled by the work that lies ahead and look forward to working with you in the coming months and years to help make Ohio the best place to be a young child.

Early Childhood Innovation Summit Monday, August 9 and Tuesday, August 10 Learn more and register
All Our Kin | Virtual Information Session on Family Child Care Cohort
Tuesday, August 10 at 1:00 PM
NLC | Financing and Resourcing for Early Childhood Success
Tuesday, August 10 at 2:00 PM
Office of Early Childhood Development | Monthly Webinar on the Biden-Harris Administration and Early Childhood Policy
Tuesday, August 10 at 3:00 PM
Meaningful Makeover Series: Family Child Care Learning Environment
Wednesday, August 11 at 3:00 PM
ZERO TO THREE | 2-Part Series on Infant Mental Health
Thursday August 12 and Thursday, August 19
National Center on Health, Behavioral Health, and Safety | Identifying and Addressing Maternal Depression
Tuesday, August 17 at 2:00 PM
National Center on Health, Behavioral Health, and Safety | Program Approaches for Staff Wellness
Tuesday, August 24 at 2:00 PM
National Center on Health, Behavioral Health, and Safety | Check-In on Well-Child Check-Ups
Thursday, August 26 at 2:00 PM