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Help Encourage Your Network to Get Out the Vote for Young Children

The policymakers we elect in November will be making critical decisions over the next several years about how we invest in and support pregnant moms, young children, and their families. Every vote matters. We are 53 days out from the November 3rd election and we need your help in getting out the word that voting matters, especially for infants and toddlers, as the policymakers we vote for will have the responsibility to create policies that will impact the daily lives of our most vulnerable. 

In this toolkit, you will find information on why voting for children matters, how to vote, and key election dates, as well as sample social media and blog posts, graphics, and more to help amplify this message to your families, colleagues, and stakeholders. 

Recovery from the pandemic will not be easy, but if we work together, we can build a brighter, more sustainable, and more equitable future for Ohio's children and families.

You can also share Ready, Set, Soar Ohio social media graphics to encourage your networks to vote for infants and toddlers by clicking on the images below.


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