Although 2020 was a whirlwind filled with unexpected twists and turns, our desire to prioritize infants, toddlers, and maternal care was not deterred. Over the last ten days of 2020, we took some time to do a countdown on social media, reflecting on what we were able to accomplish throughout the year. We’ve compiled the countdown below just in case you missed it.
10…In February we launched Ready, Set, Soar Ohio! As a part of the launch, we shared this video with interviews from members of the State legislature, local government leaders, business leaders, early child care professionals, medical professionals, and parents sharing the importance of early investments in Ohio’s youngest children as well as their mothers.
9…We have 97 Ready, Set, Soar Ohio coalition members! We recognize that our work to advance the outcomes for infants, toddlers, and maternal care would not be possible without their support. Join the coalition!
8…There is work being done across Ohio’s 88 counties to advance the outcomes for infants and toddlers. This year we created a factsheet for each of Ohio's counties highlighting the state of infants and toddlers.
7…There are nearly 80% of Ohio infants and toddlers who are not accessing publicly funded childcare. We shared a data snapshot of Infants & Toddlers Accessing Publicly Funded Child Care with more on this issue.
6…Evidence-based home visiting is extremely important and helps to build a strong foundation for children and their future success.
5…There are 545,804 children three years old or younger in Ohio who have been and continue to be our priority. We released The State of Ohio Infants and Toddlers with additional outcomes for infants and toddlers in Ohio.
4…For every 4 Ohio children under the age of 3 there is only 1 licensed child care slot available, and that was before the pandemic. When child care is inaccessible, businesses see serious economic impact. This year we shared a Business Case for Support to help us #SaveChildcare.
3…Ensuring that infants and toddlers are Ready to Thrive means making sure they are born healthy, grow and develop in healthy environments, and have access to quality healthcare services have better physical, emotional, and mental health throughout their lives.
2…Setting Families Up for Success is important because they are the first and most important teachers, playing a critical role in a child’s development during the first three years of life. When families have the resources and support to provide adequate care and enrichment during the earliest years, children can grow and thrive.
1… Babies are born learning. High-quality child care gives children the opportunity for social, emotional, and intellectual development to be ready for school. If ready for kindergarten, children are positioned for success in school and life and able to Soar to Kindergarten and Beyond!
Most of us could not wait to wrap up 2020 but more importantly, we are looking forward to the work we are going to be able to do in 2021. There is lots more to come as we will be working even harder than before to prioritize our investments in infants, toddlers, and maternal care! To see a snapshot of the importance of making these investments!